#12 P&L/UK/17-10

A private and deliberately elitist enclave of soaring towers ↑↓
⤹ Turn ⤵
⥀            tendse to sink under the accumulated weight of the city → ground making geology
Z víru mlha – z mlhy chaos
Infra-World ⟲ mapuje historii podzemí.
Geo → gnomonic → projection → azimuthal
Collaps → classed

[-1] ↔ Sinkh(o)le
(o) = Lens 
[Each black hole is inhabited by the eye of different animal].

[1]. [Input - (o) - Output]
[2]. Input - (the inner field) - Output
[3]. [hash] function of speleogenesis
[4]. Poromechanical cosmology

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